A payday cash loan is useful for a short term cash crunch in between the paydays without getting trapped in revolving debt. Unexpected expenditures can be overcome by a payday cash loan. It is essential that the lender of a payday cash loan complies with the state laws regarding the payday cash loan.
Methods to apply
There are two methods to apply for a payday cash loan. The first is to use a safe and suitable online application. The other is to approach a handy store locator at a nearby place. Currently, there is no need of faxing in case of online cash advance applications for qualified applicants.
Online application
The online application has certain requirements which are as follows. There must be an open active checking account that has facility of direct deposit. The applicant must have a minimum monthly total pay of $800, before the taxes. The age of the applicant must be minimum 18 years. For the residents of Alabama and Nebraska, the age limit is of 19 years. The applicant must not be a current debtor in bankruptcy. Also, he must not intend to file for bankruptcy voluntarily. There must be a valid email address. The applicant must fulfill the different guidelines specified by the state from time to time. Sometimes it may be essential to fax the following documents – the most recent pay stub. This must be less than 30 days old. The Social Security Income award letter may be required. The latest bank statement which is less than 30 days old may also be demanded. In case of the online application, if the application is approved till 8:00 pm in the evening, the money is transferred to the bank account on the next business day electronically. For qualified applicants, there is no need of any faxing. The payday cash loan is funded depending on the receipt and verification of the supporting faxed documents as well as the electronic loan documents signature. Those who apply online get an immediate decision on the screen after the applicant has agreed to the information that is disclosed and has submitted the application for approval.
Store application
The requirements to qualify for a payday cash loan in a store are as follows. The applicant must have a constant and verifiable source of income. There must be an active checking account and a working phone. The age of the applicant must be atleast 18 years. In case of the residents of Alabama and Nebraska, it must be minimum 19 years of age. The applicant must not be a debtor in bankruptcy currently. Or he must not have any intention to voluntarily file for bankruptcy. The different state specific guidelines must be fulfilled by the applicant. The applicant may have to produce the following documents at the store – the latest pay stub or any other evidence of income, the checkbook, the driver’s license or any other ID card that has been issued by the government. At such a store, one can get fast cash in a matter of minutes. There are knowledgeable and friendly associates at the store that help through the fast and easy process.