No Calling No Faxing Pay Day Loans

No faxing payday loan offers a speedy loan and the process is free from any hassles. Those who are in need of unexpected expenses or have to make a small purchase can apply to no faxing payday loan. The online application is safe, fax free and it is possible to procure instant cash in the bank account on the same day of application.


No faxing payday loan can be obtained without any credit checks. Some people are worried about disclosing their personal information online. These people have to keep in mind that the information that is disclosed in case of no faxing payday loan is confidential and is retained within a safe network. The application for no faxing pay day loan is very convenient and one can apply from the comfort of the house or office or a library. The only requirement is that there must be Internet access.

Application form

The following information has to be disclosed in the application form. The first name, middle initial and last name are asked. This is followed by the address, state, zip and email. The home phone and work phone are to be filled. The name of your employer is asked. Whether a direct deposit is required is to be answered. The primary source of income has options like employed, self employed, pension, disability or social security, fixed income and no job and no fixed income. Further, the monthly take home pay is to be input. This is followed by the date of the next payday. The paycheck schedule has options like weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, 1st and 15th, 15th and last, 5th and 20th, 7th and 22nd and 10th and 25th. The number of years and months for the employment are entered. Then, it is asked whether the applicant is a citizen of the United States and the age is above 18 years. The last question is regarding the type of bank account that the person has.


The different lending services have different terms and conditions for each state. For instance, a particular lending service may have a maximum lending amount of $250 for a particular state while for another state this may be $500. The annual percentage rate that is applied also changes accordingly.

Loan application

The requirements of a loan application are as follows. The applicant must have an email address, an active checking account and a constant source of income. Additionally, the applicant must be minimum 18 years of age and must be a citizen of the United States. After the loan gets approved, it is electronically credited on the next business day. So, if the approval takes place from Monday to Thursday, it is deposited from Tuesday to Friday, respectively. If the approval is done on Friday, the loan is deposited on Monday. If the approval takes place on Saturday or Sunday, the money is deposited on Tuesday. In case of no faxing payday loan, there is online access to the account for 24 hours in a day for seven days in a week. It is possible to check the balance anytime.